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InfoActualités de fin 2023

Actualités de fin 2023

Fin d'année 2023 chargée avec un nouveau site et la participation à venir au plus gros salon de la décoration.

InfoDécoration en bois chalet

BOILISÉ: 2 years of original wooden decoration

BOILISÉ celebrates its 2nd anniversary: ​​a growing workshop Hello everyone, On July 2, we celebrated BOILISÉ’s second anniversary. Time flies, and we have barely seen these two years go by. T...

InfoLa presse et les médias parlent de BOILISÉ !

The press and media are talking about BOILISÉ!

The press and media highlighted BOILISÉ's quality work and passion for wooden cartography and interior decoration.

InfoBOILISÉ exposait au salon du Made In France à Paris

BOILISÉ exhibited at the Made In France trade fair in Paris

From November 10 to 13, 2022, BOILIS É exhibited at the Made In France trade fair in Paris... We tell you!

InfoExposition au salon du Made In France à Paris

Exhibition at the Made In France trade fair in Paris

From November 10 to 13, BOILIS É is exhibiting at the Made In France trade show in Paris... Enough to give you gift ideas just before the end-of-year holidays!

InfoS.A.S. le Prince Albert II de Monaco reçoit une carte BOILISÉ

A BOILIZED given to HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco

HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco received a BOILISÉ card from La Turbie town hall to celebrate the 3rd meetings of the historic sites of Grimaldi.